On Wednesday, Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) Commissioner Mark Morgan slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for referring to federal law enforcement officials as “storm troopers.”
Morgan told “Fox & Friends” host Griff Jenkins that Pelosi’s comments had gone “right to the heart.”He began the segment by saying that politics shouldn’t matter when it comes to public safety and protecting the people from violence, stating that “[T]his is about wanting to walk down the street and not be concerned that your baby in your stroller is going to be shot. That you can attend a funeral and there’s not going to be a war zone in the aftermath.”
Jenkins then asked Morgan for his reaction to Pelosi referring to federal officers as “storm troopers,” and to Leftist Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot calling them “Trump’s troops.”
Morgan answered:
“I’m disgusted. I’m disgusted, Griff. Look, so far this year, CBP, just CBP alone we’ve lost 10 personnel, 10 in the line of duty. And for her to refer to those men and women as storm troopers, that is — that is — it’s absolutely disgusting. It goes right to the heart because I know the character and I know these men and women that are sacrificing so much.
“When their political leaders are using disparaging terms like that, it’s just reckless and it’s untrue. These are professional, civil law enforcement individuals that are out there doing their job protecting this great nation. They are not storm troopers.”
“Politics is being place above public safety. People should be outraged,” Morgan continued, while saying that people should be wondering why their leaders oppose working together with President Trump to keep their citizens safe.
The answer to that is simple: Leftists care about nothing other than their own power, even at the expense of the people they were elected to serve.
These people can never be allowed back into power again.