For two weeks, Antifa anarchists have been setting up a six-block-radius as its own “country,” a police-free zone known as the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ).
Needless to say, a bunch of unemployed losers with presumably little job prospects or skills likely have no way of supporting themselves. So, like children, they made demands from the rest of the country, including clothes, Gatorade, tents, backpacks, body lotion, shoes, laundry bags, sunglasses, and other supplies.
However, these idiots should have realized that when they declared themselves “autonomous,” it meant just that. Congressman Dan Crenshaw gave them a good reminder:
I just want to remind all that when you create an “autonomous zone,” you don’t get to demand a long list of supplies from the orderly capitalist society that you are rebelling against.
Kind of defeats the meaning of “autonomous.”#SeattleAutonomousZone
— Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX) June 13, 2020
I can’t imagine why they don’t have jobs.