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CNN Commentator Somehow Spins OJ Simpson Trial as Victory for Racial Awareness

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 04/12/2024
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OJ Simpson passed away yesterday at age 76, after which and one CNN guest somehow managed to find a silver lining in the national debate and controversy that surrounded his trial.

Commentator Ashley Allison, who was a Obama-Biden Administration and Biden-Harris campaign senior staffer, presented the OJ Simpson trial as some sort of win for racial justice and racial awareness for drawing attention to police brutality and also slavery (for some reason).

"But it [the OJ trial] was so racially charged because of what had happened just before with Rodney King, but also just how black Americans feel about policing. It’s not like OJ Simpson was the leader of the civil rights movement, he wasn’t a social justice leader, but he represented something for the black community in that moment, in that trial, particularly because there were two white people who had been killed. And the history around how black people have been persecuted during slavery." Allison said 

She then used the tragic murders to continue the endless push for more race propaganda indoctrination.

“I’ll just close with this” Allison said, “There was racial tension then. There was racial tension now. It may not be the backdrop of the Trump campaign, until this country is ready to actually have an honest conversation about the racial dynamics from our origin story until today, we will always have moments like O.J. Simpson that manifests and our country will always be divided if we don't actually deal with the issue of race.”

Watch below:

While there still is a racial divide to this day on OJ’s guilt, there is a consensus that he is indeed guilty. In the years after the trial, 82% of white Americans thought OJ was guilty, compared to 31% of black Americans. While this question isn’t polled often, when it was in 2015 roughly the same percentage of white Americans thought OJ was guilty, while a majority of black Americans did (57%) too.
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