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CNN Loses Nearly 70% of Their Audience Since Trump Left Office

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In April we reported that since the inauguration of Joe Biden, CNN had lost half of their audience.

A month has passed, and their dependence on Trump has become even more evident as they’ve now hemmroaged nearly 70% of their audience.

According to the Daily Caller:

Ratings from Neilsen Media Research reported Tuesday indicated that CNN lost 67% of its total viewers since January, when Donald Trump left the White House.

During the primetime hours of 8:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. (EST), CNN lost around 65% of its total viewers since January. In the critical 25-54 age demographic, the network lost 71% of its viewers for both the day and primetime.

CNN’s Brian Stelter set a new personal record for his smallest audience on May 23rd when he drew 763,000 viewers.

CNN’s drop in viewers is larger than its competitors, but all major cable news shows have experienced a drop. MSNBC had the second-largest drop in viewership since January, losing 49% of its total viewership between January and May. In the 25-54 age demographic, the network lost 63% of its viewers. During primetime hours, MSNBC lost 42% of its total viewers and 58% of viewers between the ages of 25 and 54.

Fox News had the smallest drop of all networks, only losing 12% of total viewers and 15% of viewers between the ages of 25-54.

Project Veritas released a number of videos as part of their “Expose CNN” series last month. One video captured CNN’s technical director Charlie Chester explaining how the networked functioned as an anti-Trump network; “Look what we did, we [CNN] got Trump out. I am 100% going to say it, and I 100% believe that if it wasn’t for CNN, I don’t know that Trump would have got voted out…I came to CNN because I wanted to be a part of that.” He further explained how they’d create fluff propaganda stories about Trump: “[Trump’s] hand was shaking or whatever, I think. We brought in so many medical people to tell a story that was all speculation — that he was neurologically damaged, and he was losing it. He’s unfit to — you know, whatever. We were creating a story there that we didn’t know anything about. That’s what — I think that’s propaganda.”

Matt Palumbo is the author of Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New York, Debunk This: Shattering Liberal Lies, and Spygate

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