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CNN Suggests Biden Shouldn’t Shake Trump’s Hand Before Debate

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 06/27/2024
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On Thursday, CNN’s Kasie Hunt asked Biden campaign co-chair Cedric Richmond if former President Trump "deserve[s]" a handshake from President Joe Biden before the debate tonight. “Should President Biden shake Donald Trump’s hand,” asked Hunt. “Does he deserve that?”

“Well, that’s up to President Biden," Richmond responded, adding, “I wouldn’t shake his hand.” 

Richmond went on to regurgitate the Democrat-contrived narrative that Trump is an insurrection instigator, suggesting Trump does not deserve a handshake from Biden. "I was in the Capitol when [Trump] sent insurrectionists, the Proud Boys and others to the Capitol, chanting ‘Hang Mike Pence’, looking for Leader Pelosi, I was there that day," Richmond said. "Because of that, I don't think I would." 

CNN would like Americans to believe that they are capable of conducting a fair debate this evening. This is clearly bunk. This week, the supposedly fair and balanced CNN cut the microphone of Donald Trump campaign Spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt after Leavitt correctly pointed out that CNN’s upcoming presidential debate moderators’ have a long history of bias toward President Trump. 

Indeed, CNN debate moderator Bash actually supported removing Trump from the ballot in Colorado and suggested intelligence officials should hide classified information from Trump during his presidency. Meanwhile, moderator Jake Tapper denied the legitimacy of Trump’s presidency, described Trump’s tenure as an era of “cruelty” and “meanness,” likened the former president to Hitler, and said in 2020 that the presidential debate was the “worst” he had ever seen because Trump “maliciously attack[ed]” Hunter Biden.

Tapper, along with the entire CNN network, has run PR for the Biden crime family, denying the mounting evidence that the Bidens are involved in an influence-peddling scandal with American foreign adversaries. 

CNN has peddled every Democrat hoax to date. They promoted the Russia Collusion Hoax, the “fine people” hoax, and the Jussie Smollett hoax. They denied the validity of the Hunter Biden laptop, smeared people like Kyle Rittenhouse and Nicholas Sandmann, described the 2020 Marxist BLM riots as “fiery but mostly peaceful,” and leaked debate questions to Hillary Clinton in 2016.  

Understand that tonight, Trump won’t be debating Biden; he’ll be up against the propaganda press, which has demonstrated for years that it’s more interested in spreading disinformation at the behest of the deep state than in producing truthful and balanced journalism.

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Photos by Getty Images

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