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Controlling the Narrative: Soros Partners With Fellow Billionaire to Launch New Media Venture

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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As if the media weren’t liberal enough, far-left billionaire George Soros is joining the billionaire co-founder of LinkedIn (perhaps the most useless social networking site of all time) in launching a new media venture.

According to Fox News:

Billionaires Reid Hoffman and George Soros will reportedly fund a new media company aimed at tackling disinformation.

Good Information Inc. launches on Tuesday and will be led by former Democratic strategist Tara McGowan, according to Axios.

So, Soros is launching his own ministry of truth, complete with the Orwellian name “Good Information Inc.”

“Good Information Inc. aims to fund and scale businesses that cut through echo chambers with fact-based information. As part of its mission, it plans to invest in local news companies,” Axios reported.

McGowan claimed the group could potentially invest in “entities across the political spectrum,” but history suggests it will refrain from helping conservatives as Hoffman and Soros are strong backers of liberal causes.

Good Information Inc., the latest venture from Hoffman and Soros, will reportedly invest in new businesses and solutions that attack the “disinformation crisis” in America.

As I argue in my new book on Soros, if there’s anyone fueling a disinformation crisis in America, it’s him.

Funding the media is nothing new for Soros, of course. From 2004 to 2011 alone Soros spent nearly $50 million funding about 180 media organizations, and “news infrastructure” such as journalism schools and industry organizations.

There are links between Soros and at over thirty mainstream news outlets that are household names.

ABC’s Christiane Amanpour and former Washington Post executive editor Leonard Downie Jr. both serve on boards of companies that take Soros money.

In 2010 and 2011, Soros contributed $250k to ProPublica, an investigative outlet whose advisory board includes former New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson, president of Univision Isaac Lee, former Wall Street Journal publisher L. Gordon Crovitz, Harvard professor of public service David Gergen, Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism director Tom Goldstein, the executive editor at publisher Simon & Schuster, the senior vice president for editorial quality at ABC News, Fortune Magazine’s senior editor at large, among others.

The Center for Public Integrity (CPI) is another left-wing media organization funded by Soros. It received nearly $1 million from Soros between 2003 and 2008, and over $650k in 2009 alone. The CPI board includes NBC/CBS/PBS veteran Richard Lobo, CBS’s Wesley Lowery, former Washington Post correspondent Amit Paley, among others. Past directors included ABC’s Christiane Amanpour, HuffPost’s founder Arianna Huffington, former NBC executive Paula Madison, and former NPR editorial product manager Matt Thompson.

Other publications and news companies represented by journalists that serve on Soros-funded boards include the following:

  • Advisory Council: Vista, Sacramento Bee, ABC News, NPR.
  • Journalism Advisory Board: New York Times, Seattle Times, LA Times, Baltimore Sun, Wall Street Journal, CNN, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Sunlight Foundation, Fortune Magazine, ABC.
  • Business Advisory Council: ALM Media, National Federation of Community Broadcasters.

There’s certainly a lot of disinformation out there in the press – but fewer than 10% of journalists are Republicans. If we really want to fight disinformation, perhaps we should focus on the 90% dominating the national conversation.

Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

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