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Curtis Sliwa Wins Republican Primary for NYC Mayor

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As rising crime is a top issue in New York City, Guardian Angels founder Curtis Sliwa won the Republican nomination for the city’s 2021 mayoral election last night.

Sliwa founded the Angels in the 1970s to patrol the streets when NYC faced a rising crime wave that was eventually reversed under the leadership of Rudy Giuliani, whose policies were continued by Michael Bloomberg. Mayor Bill de Blasio has worked overtime to reverse those policies, and gut $1 billion from the NYPD budget to boot.

Predictably, violence exploded in NYC last year, seeing nearly a doubling in shootings.

According to the New York Post:

It was a rout.

Sliwa captured 68.8 percent or 34,758 of the Republican votes to 27 percent or 13,655 votes for opponent Fernando Mateo, a restaurateur who advocates for bodega owners and taxi drivers. More than 95 percent of the precincts were reporting.

A victorious Sliwa stepped up to the podium at the Empire Steakhouse in Midtown to chants of “Curtis! Curtis!” surrounded by former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and supermarket mogul and 77 WABC owner John Catsimatidis.

“Ladies and gentleman, we have just won the Republican Party in an overwhelming way,” Sliwa said

“It was a long period of time that took going door to door, street by street, subway station by subway station, and spreading the word. It could never have happened had it not been for John and Margo Catismidatis. And to Rudy Guliani, who endorsed me along with other major Republicans all over this city,” he said.

As for the Democrat primary, we likely won’t know the nominee for weeks due to the number of candidates and the ranked voting system. So far Eric Adams took the lead. Adams is a former Republican who is a 22-year veteran of the NYPD and has been the most pro-cop candidate among a mostly anti-cop field of candidates. Adams has dismissed the defund the police movement as something led by “young white affluent people.”

Adams took in 31.7% of the vote in round one, with Soros-backed Maya Wiley taking second. Wiley has called for defunding the police – but not the private security that she pays for to patrol her Brooklyn home.

Matt Palumbo is the author of Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New YorkDebunk This: Shattering Liberal Lies, and Spygate

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