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Dan Bongino: How Democrats’ Lies Are Setting Up America To Fail

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On the most recently episode of Unfiltered With Dan Bongino, which airs on Fox News on Saturdays at 9PM/ET, Dan explained how Democrats’ lies are setting America up to fail.

Dan opened:

Folks, there’s a saying; those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Today I’d like to add to that, as long as Democrats are hell-bent on rewriting it, and oh, they are. Information control. That’s power.

All the challenges facing this country right now, we’ve seen them before. We beat them. There’s nothing new here. We could learn from our mistakes because the examples are all around us from prior failures. Yet, Democrats are hell-bent on isolating you from the truth by rewriting, condemning and censoring the truth. Or worse, calling the truth a conspiracy theory, one of their favorite lines.

Watch the full segment below:

In another segment, Dan touched on how we should never underestimate Biden’s incredible ability to f— things up (to quote Barack Obama), playing off a recent Wall Street Journal article that pondered if Biden is George Costanza from Seinfeld. “Every single instinct this man has is wrong. Maybe if he did the opposite of his instincts this country would be in a different stop. Folks, the man is a disaster.. he must be doing this intentionally.”

Watch below:

For more clips from Saturday’s episode, visit the Bongino Report on Rumble.

Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

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