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Dan Bongino: Silver Linings in the Left’s Madness

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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On the most recent episode of Unfiltered With Dan Bongino, Dan explained that there are some silver linings amidst the endless chaos the Biden administration has caused.

DAN BONGINOI’m going to show you the silver lining that could come out of this Biden cause nonsense. [It] reminds me of a famous, quote sometimes attributed to great Winston Churchill. The quote is this: “You can always count on America to do the right thing after they’ve exhausted all the other possibilities.”

Listen, whether Churchill said it or not, the sentiment is still valid okay. The left is overplaying their hand. They have been for a long time. They’re forcing their ridiculously destructive agenda down all of our throats, and we’re not just tired of it. We’re tired of being tired of it. If you think that Democrats would change course after the Virginia election – the Virginia election should have been a  wake-up call, Paul [Revere] should have been running down Democrat street, but no, no, no … None of this stuff is going to change at all. 

Watch it in full below:

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