On the most recent episode of Unfiltered With Dan Bongino (which airs on Fox News on Saturdays at 9PM/ET), Dan exposed just how flimsy the Biden administration’s excuses have been as gas prices hit record highs.
As seems to be the common line of defense for the Biden administration, they’ve one again shifted from denying a problem exists (remember them bragging about gas prices going down by an entire twelve cents one week in December?) to finally acknowledging that a problem exists while completely ignoring their role in it.
The same administration that is actively trying to transition the country away from fossil fuels now wants us to believe Vladimir Putin is to blame for high gas prices. While Russia-Ukraine tensions are unquestionably exacerbating already-high gas prices, they were, as just stated, already-high before them.
Dan opened:
Here’s the truth: Everything we’re seeing right now is exactly what this administration and the Obama administration wanted. None of this is new, so let’s break down what they’re doing using the Left’s own words. After months of buying oil from Vladimir Putin, the Biden administration finally banned oil imports from Russia. Terrific, except their only plan to replace it is to get rid of fossil fuels altogether, which has been their energy suicide plan from day one.
Let me get this straight. We’re supposed to buy into the long-term fix of clean energy as a solution to the energy crisis brought on by the Russian invasion of Ukraine right now, but drilling for more domestic oil and reinstating the Keystone XL Pipeline is not a solution because it’s only a long-term fix. What is it, man? Long-term solutions or not?
Watch in full below:
Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros
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