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Dem Efforts to Eliminate Filibuster Suffer Major Blows

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell celebrated the apparent death of a Democratic effort to eliminate the legislative filibuster after two Democratic Senators indicated they would not vote in favor of the measure.

“Today two Democratic Senators publicly confirmed they will not vote to end the legislative filibuster. They agree with President Biden’s and my view that no Senate majority should destroy the right of future minorities of both parties to help shape legislation,” McConnell said in a statement. 

“The legislative filibuster was a key part of the foundation beneath the Senate’s last 50-50 power-sharing agreement in 2001. With these assurances, I look forward to moving ahead with a power-sharing agreement modeled on that precedent,” the statement continued.

From the Daily Caller:

Since Democrats now control the House, Senate and White House, there has been discussion about possibly voting to eliminate the filibuster. Abolishing the filibuster would allow any legislation to pass with a simple majority. With Sinema coming out against abolishing the filibuster, it makes it highly unlikely it could happen, as Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin has also said he will not vote to do so.

“Kyrsten is against eliminating the filibuster, and she is not open to changing her mind about eliminating the filibuster,” a spokesperson for Sinema said Monday.

“I do not support doing away with the filibuster under any condition. It’s not who I am,” Manchin said.

Eliminating the filibuster was seen by some Democrats as a way to unlock some of the more controversial items on their agenda, including D.C. statehood, expanding the Supreme Court, and gun control legislation.

With the Senate deadlocked at 50-50, Vice President Kamala Harris would have the tie-breaking vote on legislation split down party lines, but getting enough support to break a filibuster makes those controversial proposals all but impossible for Democrats.

Photos by Getty Images

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