We were initially told we had “fifteen days to flatten the curve” – and the nation has since been under house arrest for over two months.
Even as many attempted to gradually re-open their businesses after months of waiting, they were bombarded by the media and liberal pundits with charges of wanting to “kill grandma” – and faced thousands of dollars in fines.
Yet over the course of mere days, the “infinite lockdown” crowd has since abandoned the virtues of social distancing, and are now cheering on the rioters burning down their cities nationwide (while refusing to stand six feet apart while doing so!)
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo lashed out at protesters calling to reopen the state earlier this month, saying at a news conference, “you have no right to jeopardize my health … and my children’s health and your children’s health.” Cuomo’s directives have been enforced throughout the state: A New York City tanning salon owner told Fox News he was fined $1,000 for reopening briefly last week, calling the situation “insane” and saying he already was “broke.”
On Friday, though, Cuomo said he “stands” with those defying stay-at-home orders: “Nobody is sanctioning the arson, and the thuggery and the burglaries, but the protesters and the anger and the fear and the frustration? Yes. Yes, and the demand is for justice.”
In April, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told the Jewish community that “the time for warnings has passed” after he said a funeral gathering had violated social distancing guidelines. On Sunday, the mayor asserted, “We have always honored non-violent protests.”
Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, meanwhile, had warned that in-person worship services would be a “public-health disaster,” disregarding constituents’ concerns that he was violating their First Amendment rights. Now, his administration has been distributing masks to rioters, even though public gatherings of 10 or more are still ostensibly banned. Frey also allowed a police station to burn, saying it was necessary to protect police and rioters.
The mayors of Washington D.C. and Los Angeles (which wants to extend their lockdown by three months), also supported strick measures for those breaking quarantine – unless it’s to destroy their city.
Hypocrisy aside, gathering tens of thousands of thousands of people to violently riot poses a far greater health risk in terms of spreading the coronavirus than does people enjoying a warm day at the beach in Florida, or re-opening a hair salon at 25% capacity. That much is obvious – except to nearly every Democrat leader in America.