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Democratic Socialists of America Pulls AOC Endorsement for Not Being Crazy Enough

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 07/12/2024
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While officially a member of the Democrat Party, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez also holds membership in the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) organization, which a total of five House Democrats are also members of, meaning the group technically holds five seats in the House.

Despite her comments over the years turning heads among sane Americans, the DSA has officially deemed AOC not crazy enough to endorse, which tells you all you need to know about where the left is heading. 

As the Washington Examiner’s Ross O’Keefe reported:

The DSA is rescinding its national endorsement of AOC because the congresswoman didn’t fulfill the organization’s criteria in its initial “conditional” endorsement.

“Earlier this week, the National Political Committee received a request from NYC-DSA SC to withdraw the endorsement because it took place after the New York Democratic Primary, and they did not expect a conditional endorsement or feel it was strategic,” the organization said. “Because we have not seen evidence of AOC meeting these conditions, and at the request of the NYC-DSA SC, the NPC is withdrawing our conditional endorsement of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, although she will remain endorsed by our New York City chapter.”

All of the DSAs complains are in regards to AOC not being radical enough in opposing Israel, which she has branded an “apartheid state” and accused of committing genocide.  

Specifically, they demand AOC publicly support the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction (BDS) movement, publicly oppose the criminalization of anti-Zionism, and publicly oppose all funding to Israel, including the Iron Dome.

It’s puzzling to see them demanding AOC support BDS - because she has supported that radical movement openly in Congress. In 2019 she was a co-sponsor of a resolution from sibling of the year Ilhan Omar that showed broad support for BDS, and she was also one of the 17 members of Congress who voted against a resolution condemning BDS. 

Elsewhere the DSA is more specific in their demands:

The DSA cited that several of its members expressed concern that “AOC demonstrate a higher level of commitment to Palestinian liberation, self-determination, and the immediate end to the heinous genocide in Gaza committed by Israel that aligns with DSA’s positions and expectations of socialists in office.”

Members of the organization also took concern with “her votes, including a vote in favor of H.Res.888, conflating opposition to Israel’s ‘right to exist’ with antisemitism.” Ocasio-Cortez also co-signed a press release on April 20, 2024, that “support[s] strengthening the Iron Dome and other defense systems.”

The constant infighting in the left never fails to amuse. For the radical leftist ideological class, no amount of ideological purity is ever enough. Even after AOC makes the most absurd smear against Israel, that they’re a genocidal apartheid state, the DSA still finds something to complain about. 

The effects for such an unattainable standard of purity are best seen at the DSAs annual conventions, which spend more time arguing semantics than actually policy discussion. If you want a laugh, check out a video of just that below:

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