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Democrats Lose More Ground in Deep Blue New Jersey

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 02/03/2025
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According to DecisionDeskHQ, in the deep blue state of New Jersey Republicans picked up 10,480 registrations last month to Democrats’ losing 2,433, giving Republicans a net 12,913 increase against them.

Despite been a solidly blue state in presidential elections, New Jersey voter registration has been trending against the Democrat Party there in recent years. 


In 2015, Jersey Republicans outpaced Democrats on voter registration by over a 2:1 margin, and cut away the Demcorats’ registration edge to under 900,000 from over 1 million four years ago. This also means that nearly 1.5% of the entire voter registration gap was reduced in a single month. 

At the start of the year, New Jersey had nine more Democrats than it did in January 2021 -  while there are 184,026 more Republicans.

Trump is surging in popularity too. 

After taking office, a poll showed Trump maintaining a net positive approval rating in the Garden State. While Trump didn't win New Jersey, the race was tighter there than it was in Arizona. 

The Emerson College poll has shown a surge in favorability in the poll of Trump at higher than the share of Jersey voters who voted for him last year. 48% of the polls respondents said they had a favorable view of Trump, compared to 46% who did not, for a net +2 favorable rating, something thought nearly impossible even weeks ago.
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