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Democrats Panic as GOP Celebrates Mayoral Win in 85% Latino Town: “We’re In Big Trouble”

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Former Hidalgo County GOP chair Javier Villalobos won a narrow victory in the McAllen, Texas Mayor’s race this weekend. This is much more significant than it may seem at first glance because McAllen, Texas is 85% Hispanic. Additionally, Hillary Clinton won the town by 40% and Joe Biden won by 17%. Under normal circumstances, most people would assume McAllen was out of reach for the GOP, yet Villalobos won by roughly two hundred votes.

If you are wondering what kind of campaign Villalobos ran, then his pinned tweet on Twitter should give you an idea. Fiscal responsibility and low taxes are core Republican issues.

Naturally, Democrats are worried about what losing a town like this may mean for their 2020 chances.

Some of the liberals in the comments of these tweets were just what you’d expect from liberals as well.

The good news here is that a Republican candidate won in a place where the GOP would normally have almost no chance of winning. Could that be a sign that the GOP could make significant gains in 2022? Absolutely. However, you have to be careful about drawing too many conclusions about off-year elections like this because low turnout and candidate quality differences can sometimes be a big part of the way a race turns out the way it does.

That being said, this is still a good win for the GOP and yes, Democrats probably should be a little nervous. Traditionally, the party in power takes a beating in the first midterm elections, and given Joe Biden’s radicalism, it would be a bit of a surprise if the Democrats were still holding the House after the 2022 elections.

John Hawkins is the author of 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know. You can find him on Parler here and on Twitter here.

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