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Departing CNN Anchor Airs Grievances

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CNN host Brooke Baldwin announced last month that she’d be leaving the network after working there for thirteen years.

With just over a week left on the job, Baldwin is already airing her grievances with the network, most of which boil down to her complaining about having to work with men. The departing anchor who earned a $4 million annual salary also bemoaned CNN’s pay gap.

During an appearance on the Ms. Magazine Podcast, Brooke said “The most influential anchors on our network, the highest-paid, are men. My bosses, my executives, are men. The person who oversees CNN Dayside is a man, and my executive producer for 10 years is a man. So I’ve been surrounded by a lot of men.”

“Little by little, by having women in places of power — and I would argue behind-the-scenes, not just in front, but behind-the-scenes — that is how you then have stories that reflect who they are,” she said, adding that “it’s getting better but we still have a bit of a ways to go.”

Her complaints are at least backed up by the facts, and do contradict the network’s purported support for female representation. CNN is the only major cable news network in America without a primetime female host. Additionally, a 2018 analysis from “TheWrap” of weekday programming on various networks found that CNN didn’t have as many female anchors as the rest of the industry. “CNN has significantly fewer women serving in visible on-air roles than either Fox News or MSNBC,” they reported.

Baldwin picked a good time to bail. As we learned last month, CNN the biggest losers in the post-Trump era of media:

The most deeply affected network is CNN. After surpassing rivals Fox News and MSNBC in January, the network has lost 45 percent of its prime-time audience in the past five weeks, according to Nielsen Media Research. MSNBC’s audience has dropped 26 percent in the same period. Fox News — the most Trump-friendly of the three networks in its prime-time opinion shows — has essentially regained its leading position by standing still.

CNN also lost their monopoly in airports, with CNN Airport ending operations last week. That part of the business was damaged by the decline in air travel during the pandemic, which is perhaps the only good thing to come out of it.

Matt Palumbo is the author of Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New YorkDebunk This: Shattering Liberal Lies, and Spygate

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