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"End of Quote" - Biden Makes Another Apparent Teleprompter Gaffe

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 09/13/2022
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During a speech yesterday from Joe Biden gave on the cancer moonshot initiative, he once again appeared to read directly from the teleprompter. 

Biden said "President Kennedy said on this day 60 years ago, 'We set sail on this new sea because there is new, [life-saving] knowledge to be gained” that must be used for “progress of all people.' End of quote."

Watch below:

Earlier in the speech, Biden quoted from a letter he received after the passing of his late son Beau, which he also concluded "End of quote."

This is hardly the first time Biden has read from the teleprompter "end of quote." The most notable time this previously happened was last July, when Biden said:

One of the most extraordinary parts of the decision, in my view, is the majority writes, and I quote, “Women…” — it’s a quote now, from the majority — “Women are not without electoral or political power.  It is noteworthy that the percentage of women who registered to vote and cast a ballot is consistently higher than the percentage of the men who do so.” 

End of quote. Repeat the line: “Women are not without electoral…” and/or political — “or” — let me be precise; not “and/or” — “…or political power.”

Reality didn't get in the way of the Biden administration in spinning that, and the fact checkers happily obliged. 

White House assistant press secretary Emilie Simons provided the official talking point to explain away the incident, which the fact checkers would mindlessly embrace, that Biden actually had said “let me repeat that line.”

The official White House transcript then altered Biden’s quote to read “End of quote. Let me repeat the line.”

The fact checkers then uncritically cited the doctored official White House transcript to prove that Biden didn’t actually say what he said.’s Brea Jones cited the White House transcript, and falsely claimed that clips being shared on social media “shared a shortened clip” of Biden’s remarks.

The Poynter Institute’s Louis Jacobson and Andy Nguyen quoted Simons’ bogus defense and the White House transcript, but noted that Biden “can’t be heard” saying the “let me” that she claims he said before “repeat the line.” Despite that single fact destroying Simons’ and the White House’s lie, Jacobson and Nguyen pointed to six other times in Biden’s life that he prefaced a statement with “let me,” which they claimed was evidence that Biden’s teleprompter must’ve said “let us” and he just forgot to read it. None of them found it odd that Biden ends quotes with "end of quote."

Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros
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