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Dimwitted MSNBC Host Chris Hayes Steps on Rake, Hilarity Ensues

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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In reporting on the salacious details about cash from the United Arab Emirates being illegally funneled into the 2016 Clinton campaign, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes somehow got the impression that it was actually the Trump campaign being exposed.

“The America First campaign sure had a lot of foreign sponsors!” Hayes tweeted in response to a recently unsealed federal court filing. (In the event that the tweet is deleted, an"> archived version can be found here).

To save everyone a click, the text of the filing in the tweet Hayes is responding to is below:



Of the men named; Ahmaud “Andy” Khawaja, George Nadar, Mohammad Diab, Ray Doulos, Thayne Whipple, Rani El-Saadi, and Wael El-Saadi, the latter six were charged in 2019 with “conspiring with Khawaja and each other to make conduit campaign contributions and conceal excessive contributions” to the Clinton campaign. Khawaja himself was charged with 35 counts related to allegations he conspired to conceal the source of $3.5 million in campaign contributions aimed at boosting the Clinton campaign. Upon his arrest Khawaja claimed he was being prosecuted due to unspecified “compromising information” he said he had on Trump and has never since revealed (because it doesn’t exist).

While those listed in the court filing are hardly household names, convicted pedophile and Clinton donor George Nadar’s name has popped up numerous times in the news before in Spygate related coverage, leading many to immediately recognize that Hayes had no idea what he’s talking about.

As of writing, Hayes has not yet addressed the error.

Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

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