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Dr. Birx to Retire After Getting Caught Violating Her Own Guidance

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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After countless politicians have been caught violating their very own coronavirus restrictions, it’s a non-elected government official who will be the first to step down over it.

We learned earlier in the week that Dr. Deborah Birx traveled with family out of state for Thanksviging – disregarding her own advice that people should stay home for the holiday and not gather. Birx was joined by thee generations of family for Thanksgiving – and she defended the trip by saying she needed to “take care of winterizing the property before a potential sale.” She added “I did not go to Delaware for the purpose of celebrating Thanksgiving,” as if the reason for a family gathering has any effect on the spread of the coronavirus.

Excuse making aside, the blowback in response to this obvious hypocrisy has been enough to catalyze her exit.

According to the New York Post’s Ebony Bowden:

Dr. Birx has announced she plans to retire after being outed on Sunday for not following her own holiday travel guidance, calling the experience “overwhelming.”

In an interview with Newsy, the White House coronavirus task force coordinator said she would help the incoming Biden administration but then planned to head for the exits.

“I want the Biden administration to be successful,” Birx said, noting that she has worked in the federal government since the Regan administration in 1980.

“I will be helpful in any role that people think I can be helpful in and then I will retire,” she went on.

“I will have to say, as a civil servant, I will be helpful through a period of time, and then I will have to say, this experience has been a bit overwhelming. It has been very difficult on my family…I think what was done over the last week to my family.”

Watch below:

As for the full list of coronavirus hypocrites, the Daily Caller’s Mary Margaret Olohan has a complete list (click the tweet for the full thread):

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