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Elections Bill Passes Florida Legislature Implementing New Restrictions on Vote-by-Mail, Ballot Drop Boxes

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Florida’s state legislature just passed an elections bill that will strengthen voter integrity by placing new restrictions on vote-by-mail and ballot drop boxes.

The bill passed the Florida Senate 23-17, and House 77-40. The bill will  be signed into law soon by Governor. Ron DeSantis.

According to the Post Millennial:

Constraints on ballot drop boxes include limiting who can drop off the ballot and drop boxes cannot be moved within 30 days of an election. There are also new restrictions on where they can be placed and an elected official will be required to observe the ballot drop box once they are opened. Under the new elections bill, those who wish to vote-by-mail are required to vote regularly. There are also new restrictions on third-party voter registration organizations and the bill adds new powers for partisan election observers.

More specifically, the bill bans people from influencing elections from within 150 feet of a polling place.

Supervisors who make a drop box accessible for any time other than the designated period face a $25,000 civil penalty.

Florida voters will also have to reapply for mail ballots every two-year election cycle instead of every two cycles as it stands currently.

While Democratic lawmakers opposed the bill and heavily criticized it for “restricting minority voters,” Republican lawmakers were happy to see legislation protecting the sanctity of elections pass. I take some issue with the fact that we’re trying to somehow restrict the vote. There are more ways to vote in Florida and a longer opportunity than just about any state in the nation,” Republican state Rep. Ralph Massullo said. “Fraud will be reduced as much as we can possibly do it with the work we’re doing today,” he said.

That common sense legislation related to voting is set to pass has already set off the predictable hysteria that we’ve become accustomed to from leftists who didn’t read the bill.

If liberals had any real arguments besides mindlessly branding such laws “voter suppression,” perhaps they’d have had success in preventing these kind of laws from springing up nationwide.

Matt Palumbo is the author of Dumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New YorkDebunk This: Shattering Liberal Lies, and Spygate

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