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In this episode, I address the real reasons behind the impeachment theater led by the hapless Jerry Nadler and the outstanding appearance by Cory Lewandowski on the Hill. I also address the latest liberal gun grab efforts and the continued use of the faulty Australian model for “gun control.” Finally, I address the growing Ilhan Omar scandal and the vaping controversy.
News Picks:
- Liberals cannot handle the hard truth about Australian “gun control.” Here it is.
- There are more guns in Australia after the gun confiscation than there were before.
- What? Mirriam Webster adds a “non-binary” definition of “they” to Dictionary.
- This is the best explanation I’ve seen of the impeachment theater nonsense we saw on Capitol Hill yesterday.
- Why is Ilhan Omar hiding the identity of her father?
- The media is ignoring this horrific story about abortion.
- Exposing the myth of widespread medical bankruptcies.
- Eleven things you need to know about vaping.
- The US Navy says the troubling UFO videos are authentic.