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In this episode, I address The NY Times‘ ridiculous story about the investigation into the Spygate scandal and what they get entirely backwards. I also address the lasting damage being done to the Democrats by their impeachment hoax.
News Picks:
- Donald Trump Jr. unleashes on the Left in our wide-ranging interview.
- Are the Democrats’ leaking about the IG report because they’re nervous about its conclusions?
- John Durham is investigating suspicious activity in the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessments.
- Remember this article about suspicious activity in the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessments?
- Remember when George Papadopoulos said he was asked to wear a wire for a Joseph Mifsud meeting.
- A strong article on the issues surrounding Mifsud.
- John Solomon’s article covers the FBI vetting of informants.
- Vulnerable Democrats are taking heavy heat over impeachment.
- Elizabeth Warren was confronted by black voters upset with her anti-school choice platform.
- Elizabeth Warren got caught lying, again.