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In this episode, I address the disgusting impeachment disaster on the House floor today. I also address the troubling comments on tv last night by this key Spygate player.
News Picks:
- Liberals are upset that this Supreme Court Justice said “Merry Christmas” on television.
- The FISA court blasts the FBI for its actions in the Spygate scandal.
- Here’s a link to the FISA court statement.
- Back in January of 2018 the FBI disingenuously claimed it had “grave concerns” about the Nunes memo, which turned out to be accurate.
- This 2017 CNN article about the UK assisting the Obama administration with the spying operation on Trump will become important in the coming months.
- Another article providing evidence of UK/Obama administration collusion in the 2016 election.
- The evidence is piling up against Hunter Biden.
- More evidence of the benefits of the Trump tax cuts.