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In this episode, I address the disgraceful impeachment farce last night and what must be done going forward. It’s time to take the gloves off. I also address the stunning comments by both Attorney General Bill Barr and Inspector General Michael Horowitz that got lost in yesterday’s drama.
News Picks:
- The police-state Democrats impeached the President last night.
- If President Trump is handily re-elected this impeachment fiasco is going to be a historical embarrassment for the hapless Democrats.
- The IG did find evidence of rampant political bias at the FBI, contrary to the liberal narrative.
- There’s an uprising in Virginia as the battle back against the Democrats’ war on the Second Amendment.
- Virginia Democrats are losing their fight against the Second Amendment.
- President Trump’s approval rating is up 6 points since the impeachment hoax began.
- Federal court rules Obamacare unconstitutional.