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In this episode, I discuss the ferocious response by Trump’s attorneys to the impeachment hoax. I also address the dumbest “study” I’ve seen in years. The study concluded that big tech bias against conservatives is a myth.
News Picks:
- Trump’s lawyer claims impeachment is a legal nullity.
- Florida Governor Ron DeSantis goes to war with the big tech tyrants.
- Hilariously dumb NYU study, funded by a far left donor, concludes there’s no bias in big tech.
- Fakebook bans a Virginia gun group.
- Fakebook shuts down ads for a group looking to recall this liberal Governor.
- New hire at DOJ has a relationship with shady Hunter Biden’s lawyer.
- Homicide rates are so high that there’s no modern precedent for it.
- California teacher claims Bernie Sanders’ mittens are “white privilege.”