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Even Liberal Polls Now Show Biden’s Approval Crashing

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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Quinnipiac University’s polling is notoriously biased in favor of Democrat candidates, having predicted that Joe Biden would’ve won Florida and Ohio by comfortable margins in 2020, and overstaing his support nationally by 5.5 points.

Now even their “generous” polling is among the many showing Biden’s approval rating underwater, with the latest from Quinnipiac poll showing Biden with 50% disapproval this month, compared to only 43% who approve.

Overall, the average poll tracked by the Real Clear Politics Average has Biden at 45.2% support and 49.8% disapproval, putting Biden 4.6 points underwater (in other words, one can glean from this that the average poll is just about as biased as Quinnipiac’s). Notably, “non-establishment” polls like Rasmussen Reports has Biden 11 points underwater, while Trafalgar has Biden 10 points underwater.

Photos by Getty Images

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