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Fact Checkers: Biden Definitely Not Shaking Hands With Thin Air in Video of Him Shaking Hands With Thin Air

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Once again, the “fact checkers” think we’re going to believe them over our own eyes.

Days ago, video from a speech in North Carolina went viral of Joe Biden appearing to attempt to shake hands with the air before awkwardly wandering behind his podium before he’s finally directed to walk off the stage.

But alas, Politifact has been summoned to play defense for the administration and debunk reality.

“You might have seen a clip of President Joe Biden ā€œshaking handsā€ with thin air. It never happened. Hereā€™s the truth, as well as how misinformers manufacture and embellish embarrassing presidential moments,” Politifact tweeted out. “But videos show that Biden was actually pointing at the audience behind him with his whole hand. He acknowledges the right side, then the left, and begins to walk forward,” they claim.

They added that the video is just the latest in a series of videos that “misleadingly” portray Biden as senile by showing how he behaves. “The video is one of many that form a history of comedic and embarrassing presidential moments that garnered public attention. Efforts to portray presidents as ineffective or seize on moments that make them look that way are not new.”

Thanks to their “fact check,” anyone sharing the video on Facebook has their post flagged with a “missing context” warning informing them that their faculties aren’t as well equipped to interpret reality as Politifact’s crew. This, of course, is their real goal; to slow the spread of any information that harms Biden.

Lead Stories,” another fact checking group with an embarrassing record, also tackled the video, claiming that “While some footage seems to show the presidentĀ inexplicably trying to offer a handshake to someone who isn’t there, in a wider view of the event posted on YouTube, Biden’s gesture appears to be more of a greeting or acknowledgement than an attempted handshake, and does not seem so out of place.”

Indeed, they’re so confident in their “fact checking” abilities that they have to hedge their own language by using terms like “appears to be,” and “does not seem so” because even they know they’re full of it.

Matt Palumbo is the author ofĀ The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

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