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Far-Left Rep. Cori Bush Claims to Have Faith Healing Powers in Autobiography

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 06/17/2024
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Far-left Representative Cori Bush, who is a member of the cringe-inducingly named “Squad,”  is under fire after claiming to have healing powers. 

According to Fox News:

In her 2022 autobiography "The Forerunner: A Story of Pain and Perseverance in America," Bush wrote about her time working as a faith healer. During that time, the New York Post[‘s Jon Levine] first reported she claimed that she had an almost supernatural ability within her to heal others.

While her book was released two years ago, this is, embarrassingly for Bush, only becoming news now because almost nobody read her book, which only sold an embarrassing 729 copies its first week. Bear in mind, that also includes months worth of (barely-existent) pre-orders too. 

One instance included helping a disabled toddler to walk.

"The child had had a bleed in her brain, shortly after she was born, and so couldn’t walk. She had never taken a step in her life," Bush wrote. "I carried the child from the prayer room in the back of the church out into the sanctuary . . . ‘Walk,’ I said gently to the three-year-old girl, ‘you will walk.’ And this girl took her first step. Then another, and another. She walked."

"Her grandmother walked into the sanctuary just in time to see the child take about two dozen steps. She screamed, and then she kept screaming," she continued. "When she caught her breath, she looked at me in wonder and said ‘Praise God.’ She grabbed her granddaughter and walked with her out of the church."

Bush also claims to have healed a woman from multiple tumors by touching them. According to her book, she came across a woman with visible tumors on her torso that was living in a park. After laying her hands on a tumor, Bush claims that they all began to shrink until they went away, which she credited to the power of God working within her.  

Another reason this story flew under the radar is that the only person in the media who covered it was Margaret Hoover, where Bush doubled down on her claims.  

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