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Fauci Admits to Masking After Vaccination Solely for Optics

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted Tuesday that his use of masks despite being vaccinated had nothing to do with science, instead claiming he wore the masks not to send “mixed signals.”

From the Post Millennial:

Responding to questions on how the new mask mandates have changes his own personal mask wearing tendencies, Fauci responded, “I’m obviously careful because I’m a physician and a healthcare provider. I am now much more comfortable in people seeing me indoors without a mask.

“Before the CDC made the recommendation change,” Fauci admitted, “I didn’t want to look like I was giving mixed signals. But being a fully vaccinated person, the chances of my getting infected in an indoor setting is extremely low, and that’s the reason why in indoor settings now, I feel comfortable about not wearing a mask because I’m fully vaccinated,” Fauci continued, speaking to the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Of course, Fauci’s comments stand in stark contrast to what he said about the matter while sparring with Sen. Rand Paul in March:

“You’re telling everyone to wear a mask,” Paul said, whether they have immunity or not. “If we’re not spreading the infection, isn’t it just theatre?”

“No, it’s not” Fauci replied.

“You’ve got the vaccine and you’re wearing two masks, isn’t that just theatre?” Paul asked.

“Here we go again with the theatre,” Fauci said dismissively. “Let’s get down to the facts.” Fauci discredited the studies, but now, it turns out, Fauci believes that masking post vaccination is all about the optics, the theatre of it, and not the science at all.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released updated guidance last week, recommending for the first time that vaccinated individuals can go most places without wearing a mask. Exceptions to the recommendation include confined spaces such as public transports or travelling via airline, while the CDC said unvaccinated individuals are safe to not wear a mask in outdoor settings.

Fauci and Paul’s battles over the infectious disease expert’s guidance have become legendary in recent months, with the Kentucky Senator most recently accusing Fauci of being a “little dictator.”

“They [the CDC] still have their camp provision. They want them going around camp wearing a mask, doing the 6-foot stuff,” Paul said during an appearance on Fox News. “There’s no science behind it. It’s all conjecture, it’s all Tony Fauci, his way or the highway, Mr. Little Dictator . . . If Fauci wants kids to mask up and wear masks everywhere, he should show us the science.”

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