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Former Ministry of Truth Head Spreads Disinformation While Denying That She Spreads Disinformation

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 07/11/2022
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Former Ministry of Truth head Nina Jankowicz appeared on Brian Stelter's CNN show to an audience of none to deny that she headed a Ministry of Truth, and that she herself is a purveyer of disinformation. 

During the appearence she described disinformation as a "democratic problem," and was eventually asked by Stelter about charges from critics that she's spread disinformation in the past, without actually naming specific allegations.

While Stelter didn't mention anything in particular, Jankowicz responded by noting that she's been accused of spreading disinformation about Hunter Biden's laptop back in October 2020 (ironically by prematurely branding it disinformation), and claimed that she herself wasn't endorsing the allegations that the laptop was bogus, but simply sharing comments made during one of the presidential debates. Curiously, she hasn't posted a single tweet about the laptop being validated as authentic, or any of the contents from it. 

The tweet she's referencing is the one below:  But that was hardly her only tweet about Hunter Biden, even if she wants to pretend it was. She's made plenty of other tweets alleging that his laptop was bogus - and has defended Hunter against other unrelated allegations, clearly establishing a bias in his favor.  And this is just one topic. Jankowicz is quite prolific in spreading nonsense, as Jerry Dunleavy has written extensively documenting:   Does anyone spread more disinformation than those taking up the mantle of fighting it? 

Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros
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