House Minority leader Kevin McCarty is bullish on the GOP’s odds of retaking the House of Representatives during the 2022 midterm elections, saying he would bet his own house on a Republican victory.
From NewsMax:
“Not [just] a chance, we’re going to get the majority back,” Rep. McCarthy told American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp during a CPAC panel discussion Saturday, per The Hill. “We’re five seats away.”
“I would bet my house” on it, he added. “My personal house. Don’t tell my wife, but I would bet it.”
McCarthy then took aim at the political polling industry, which predicted a dire situation from Republicans ahead of the 2020 election:
“All the polls said we would lose, but on election day the voters said, ‘no, there’s a new path,'” McCarthy said.
“They said we were going to lose 20 seats that night. No one said we would win seats. My dearest friend who is a hard-core Republican said the best we could do is lose 10.”
McCarty also pointed to the GOP’s growing diversity as a strength, saying Democrats lost to some of his party’s most diverse candidates:
“We beat 15 Democrats and you know who those Democrats lost to? Conservative women and conservative minorities, each and every one of them,” McCarthy said.
During the lead up to the 2020 election, forecasters such as FiveThiryEight gave the GOP only a 3% shot of retaking the lower chamber. The website further predicted that there was an 80% chance Democrats would hold at least 225 seats, with the possibility of gains up to 254. Instead, Democrats lost seats and now only hold a slim 221-211 majority.
In addition to the now razor thin Democratic lead, the Republican Party was able to hold on to their majority in every single state legislative chamber and flipped three chambers away from Democrats. That success built on the party’s already large lead in the battle to control state legislatures, ensuring they will have control of the redistricting process set to take place before the 2022 midterms.
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