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HHS Finally Defunds EcoHealth Alliance — The Nonprofit That Funneled Tax Dollars Into Infamous Wuhan Lab   

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 05/15/2024
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The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) suspended all federal funding for EcoHealth Alliance, the nonprofit partly responsible for potentially sparking the Covid-19 pandemic by funneling U.S. tax dollars into the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) for dangerous gain of function research on bat coronaviruses. 

In a letter sent Wednessday to EcoHealth Alliance’s infamous president, Peter Daszak, HHS’s Suspension and Debarment Official Henrietta Brisbon wrote that the defunding of his organization is “necessary to protect the public interest and due to a cause of so serious or compelling nature that it affects [EcoHealth’s] present responsibility.” Note that Daszak has insisted for years the highly credible lab leak theory was a “conspiracy.” 

Earlier this month, GOP members of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic issued a report slamming Daszak, calling for him to be stripped of his medical license and criminally investigated for misleading the federal government.

As the Washington Examiner explains

“The Republican report and HHS documents outline that EcoHealth received National Institutes of Health funding in 2014 to conduct bat coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, with the intention of creating chimeric coronaviruses to better understand natural emergence of viruses with pandemic potential.

Subcommittee evidence published this month found that EcoHealth submitted its Year 5 Report for National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases review two years later and violated grant terms by failing to report potentially dangerous research from the WIV to [National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases].” 

According to censorship whistleblower Mike Benz, the HHS’s defunding of EcoHealth is a major win. “This is a big victory & we have to celebrate wins like this,” wrote Benze. “Part of our job outside gov’t is to make heroes of ppl inside gov’t who do the right thing. EcoHealth has been an untouchable Fauci juggernaut for 2 decades now. It has now, finally, been punched in the pocketbook.”

However, the defunding of EcoHealth may also be a symbol of how difficult it is to cut federal spending—even to dangerous and corrupt organizations and projects. Despite intense public outcry and mounting evidence that EcoHealth misled the federal government and potentially sparked a global pandemic with U.S. tax dollars, it took years for the organization to finally be defunded. According to the watchdog group White Coat Waste Project EcoHealth Alliance has raked in nearly $60 million in new taxpayer funding since the pandemic.  

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