The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives is working on legislation that proposes establishing a “Commission on Federal Naming and Displays.” The commission would assess “property names, monuments, statues, public artworks, historical markers, and other symbols owned by the Federal government or located on property owned by the Federal government.”
The Federalist elaborates on the ramifications of the bill, saying:
“The standards by which the committee is instructed to judge each of the above are the values of ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ — leftist buzzwords that typically result in discriminating based on race, sex, and ethnicity.”
In other words, this bill would further codify the scourge of identity politics into law.
This is no accident. The Left, and by extension the Democrat party, does nothing other than divide people, in this case by race, sex or ethnicity. This is the exact opposite of the American idea of E Pluribus Unum, or “out of many, one.” Everyone is seen as an individual and as an American, and nothing else.
The Left hates the American idea, because it is an exact counter to what their philosophy dictates—that they must burn the system down in order to rebuild their utopian vision of a “new America.” And this legislation of pure division is a prime example of “burning down” America from the inside.
The American people must understand once and for all that these people can never be allowed anywhere near power again.