Yesterday, the House voted 228 to 197 to offer citizenship to so-called “dreamers” that were brought here as children or that fled war or national disasters in their own countries.
Nine Republican squishes joined Democrats in voting for the amnesty. They were Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska, Florida Rep Carlos Gimenez, Mario Diaz-Balart, Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington, Florida Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar, Rep. Christopher H. Smith of New Jersey, Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan, Rep. David Valadao of California.
The bill covers people that were 18 or younger when they illegally entered the country and individuals with Temporary Protected Status as of 2017 or Deferred Enforced Departure as of January. The bill does impose some conditions that illegals have to fulfill in order to get amnesty, but it adds no new security measures, nor does it address the crisis on the border caused by Joe Biden’s policies. In fact, if the bill were passed and amnesty were handed out right now, it would almost certainly incentivize more illegal aliens to pour over the border in hopes of getting amnesty. Happily, the bill would need at least 10 Republican votes to pass the Senate and Democrats are highly unlikely to be able to pull that off.
What it all comes down to is that Democrats view illegal aliens as a source of new voters. They believe, probably correctly, that if they bring in millions of poor, uneducated lawbreakers from socialist nations and give them citizenship along with welfare and food stamps soon after, they’ll have loyal voters. That’s why Democrats will support anything and everything that increases the number of illegal aliens in the United States. It’s nothing less than an attempt to demographically change the nation in a way that’s very bad for the country, but very good for the Democratic Party.
John Hawkins is the author of 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know. His website is Linkiest and you can follow him on Parler here.
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