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Ilhan Omar’s Campaign Payments to Husband’s Firm Near $2.8 Million

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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Emboldened by no one seeming to notice or care, Ilhan Omar has continued funneling the majority of her campaign’s payments to a firm owned by her husband.

The payments to husband Tim Mynett’s firm “E Street Group LLC” began before the two were married, when it was only alleged that the two had a relationship (which Omar denied). The two would later marry within months of Omar denying the duo’s relationship – and the payments have only increased since.

Assuming the two share finances, Omar is effectively getting a royalty on every campaign payment sent her way.

According to Fox News:

Ilhan Omar has paid nearly $2.8 million to her husband’s political consulting firm so far in the 2019-2020 election cycle, including nearly 70% of her third-quarter disbursements.

Federal Election Commission data shows that Omar’s campaign sent $1.6 million to E Street Group LLC, which is owned by her husband Tim Mynett, from the start of 2019 through Jul. 22, 2020. After that, she reported an additional $1.1 million in the third quarter and $27,000 in the following weeks. That $1.1 million constituted nearly 70% of the $1.6 million that Omar’s campaign spent that quarter.

The expenses covered a range of services, including cable advertising, “digital consulting,” video production and editing.

As of writing, 75% of the members of the so-called “squad” have been investigated for alleged campaign finance abuses, with Rep. Ayanna Pressley being the only one not investigated.

Omar had previously been ordered to reimburse her campaign $3,500 after the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board found she illegally used campaign funds in 2016 and 2017. She was also fined $500. The violating payments included reimbursements for personal travel expenses, in addition to hiring a law firm for services related to an inquiry into her personal tax returns.

Soon-after she was hit with an FEC complaint in late August for allegedly using her campaign to illegally reimburse the travel expenses of Mynett. The complaint was filed one day after Mynett’s wife alleged he was having an affair with Omar. Travel expenses totaled over $21,000 and were not itemized, which is required.

As Omar would put it; it’s all about the Benjamins baby.

Photos by Getty Images