House Democrats will stop at nothing to destroy President Trump, which is why it was revealed yesterday that they may bring more articles of impeachment against the duly elected commander in chief.
Attorneys for the House Judiciary Democrats have argued in a federal court battle that former White House Counsel Don McGahn should appear before the committee because his testimony could affect whether or not more articles of impeachment against the president would be necessary.
“McGahn’s testimony is also relevant to the committee’s ongoing investigations into presidential misconduct and consideration of whether to recommend additional articles of impeachment,” a Judiciary Committee lawyer wrote in a D.C. Court of Appeals filing.
“If McGahn’s testimony produces new evidence supporting the conclusion that President Trump committed impeachable offenses that are not covered by the Articles approved by the House, the Committee will proceed accordingly—including, if necessary, by considering whether to recommend new articles of impeachment,” states the brief.
The White House has claimed executive privilege, barring McGahn from testifying to House Democrats.
The Department of Justice claimed that the McGahn case should be dismissed, writing in an opposing filing, “The article of impeachment addressing purported obstruction of Congress relies in part on the judicial proceedings in this very case. Indeed, if this Court now were to resolve the merits question in this case, it would appear to be weighing in on a contested issue in any impeachment trial.”
The DOJ claimed the appeals court should “dismiss this fraught suit between the political branches for lack of jurisdiction.”
President Trump slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi yesterday, tweeting that she will lose the Democrats’ majority in Congress over her party’s desperate push to impeach him without cause.
On Twitter, the president wrote, “Nancy Pelosi, who has already lost the House & Speakership once, & is about to lose it again, is doing everything she can to delay the zero Republican vote Articles of Impeachment. She is trying to take over the Senate, & Cryin’ Chuck is trying to take over the trial. No way! What right does Crazy Nancy have to hold up this Senate trial. None! She has a bad case and would rather not have a negative decision. This Witch Hunt must end NOW with a trial in the Senate, or let her default & lose. No more time should be wasted on this Impeachment Scam!”
Nancy Pelosi, who has already lost the House & Speakership once, & is about to lose it again, is doing everything she can to delay the zero Republican vote Articles of Impeachment. She is trying to take over the Senate, & Cryin’ Chuck is trying to take over the trial. No way!….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 23, 2019
….What right does Crazy Nancy have to hold up this Senate trial. None! She has a bad case and would rather not have a negative decision. This Witch Hunt must end NOW with a trial in the Senate, or let her default & lose. No more time should be wasted on this Impeachment Scam!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 23, 2019
After House Democrats voted to impeach President Trump last week, Pelosi claimed she wanted to wait to send the articles to the Senate until Republicans agreed to a fair trial.
Yesterday, she defended her decision to withhold the articles of impeachment and tweeted, “The House cannot choose our impeachment managers until we know what sort of trial the Senate will conduct. President Trump blocked his own witnesses and documents from the House, and from the American people, on phony complaints about the House process. What is his excuse now?”
The House cannot choose our impeachment managers until we know what sort of trial the Senate will conduct.
President Trump blocked his own witnesses and documents from the House, and from the American people, on phony complaints about the House process. What is his excuse now?
— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) December 23, 2019