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Investigative Journalist Claims Bill Clinton “Not Telling Truth” About Epstein Ties

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Conchita Sarnoff, the executive director of Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking and the author of her book “Trafficking,” told Fox News yesterday, that Clinton was “not telling the truth” about his travels and relationship with billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Yesterday, Clinton released a statement claiming he was unaware of Epstein’s “terrible crimes” and stated he had only traveled on the pervert’s private plane for four trips. On each trip, Clinton claims, his Secret Service detail and Clinton Foundation staff were present.

However, Sarnoff, who was the first to break the Epstein story in 2010, says this is not the case.

“I know from the pilot logs and these are pilot logs that you know were written by different pilots and at different times that Clinton went, he was a guest of Epstein’s 27 times,” she said, adding that “many of those times Clinton had his Secret Service with him and many times he did not.”

Sarnoff told Fox, “I’m saying, sadly, that he is not telling the truth. First of all, Gerald Lefcourt, who was one of Epstein’s attorneys back during the original arrest and the original investigation, wrote a letter which has been made public.”

She continued, “In that letter, Gerald Lefcourt claims that Epstein was one of the original funders of Clinton Global Initiative. He gave President Clinton four million dollars, according to a source who knows a story about that.”

Epstein was arrested in New Jersey on Saturday and pleaded not guilty today to sex trafficking charges. He has been ordered to stay in jail until a Thursday bail hearing.

The U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan claims Epstein formed “a network and operation enabling him to sexually exploit and abuse dozens of underage girls.”

Photos by Getty Images

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