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“Investigative Reporter” Fails to Investigate Reporting

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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Zachary Petrizzo, who hilariously has the title “investigative reporter,” at Salon, reached out to us about his “investigation” into why Tron Simpson didn’t appear on Dan Bongino’s radio show after it was announced he would be making an appearance on October 20th, asking if it was a call made by Cumulus.

Petrizzo seems to have read that Simpson ended up not appearing on the show from a recently published article in a publication no one has ever heard of before called the “Colorado Times Recorder.” And as any good investigative reporter would do when faced with a claim from a publication that looks like it would cobbled together in WordPress in an hour, Petrizzo took it at face value.

Yet, had he actually bothered to check the episode (still available on Fox Nation), as one would expect from an “investigative reporter” as part of their preliminary research, he would’ve seen that Simpson did indeed appear on the show at the 2:01:20 mark.

So, real bang up work there.

Petrizzo is among the category of journos who decided to become leftist gossip bloggers are failing to generate an audience on the right.

Before he was spending his time whining about conservative media, he was whining about the liberals on his college campus. Writing of his former alma matter Marquette University, Petrizzo wrote in Campus Reform in 2018 “After one year at the institution, I have discovered that Marquette is anything but a Jesuit and Catholic university. There is no acceptance of conservative thoughts. I believe that Marquette has taken a step to ultimately limit free speech on campus.”

“You know, I decided to leave Marquette due to the political climate. The political climate in which conservatives, you know, their ideas were not allowed on campus,” he continued, before talking about how he feared for his safety on campus. The baby-faced pundit even appeared on NRATV in 2018 to defend ICE.

But as the saying goes, if you can’t beat the insufferable, join them.

It is, of course, completely understandable that individuals who failed to make it in conservative media would jump ship and do an ideological 180 overnight (assuming they ever had any actual principles). There’s a shortage of conservative outlets relative to liberal, so the former is naturally going to be more competitive.

And given the quality of his work, it’s no surprise he couldn’t make it on the right.

We hope this answers his question.

Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George SorosDumb and Dumber: How Cuomo and de Blasio Ruined New YorkDebunk This: Shattering Liberal Lies, and Spygate

Photos by Getty Images

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