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Israel’s UN Ambassador Slams Soros for Donating to Pro-Hamas Groups

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 12/04/2023
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If the Soros network employs their usual strategy of branding all those opposed to them as “anti-semitic,” it’s an insult they’ll now have to lob at Israel’s UN ambassador. 

Reporting from the New York Post’s Rich Calder and Matthew Sedacca in October uncovered
$15 million that the Open Society Foundations (OSF), which is now run by George Soros’ son Alex, funneled into radical palestinian groups, some of which openly cheered on Hamas terrorism against Israel. 

As Fox News reported:

"George Soros’ donations to organizations that seek the destruction of the State of Israel as a Jewish state is shameful. However, I am not surprised," Israeli ambassador Gilad Erdan told Fox News Digital.

"For years, Soros has backed and transferred money to organizations supporting BDS [the boycott, divest, and sanction movement] that want to isolate Israel," added Erdan, who has been leading the diplomatic campaign at the U.N. to spell out Hamas’ crimes against humanity. "They have never been about real peace or any solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."

And as I’ve documented elsewhere, George Soros has long funded anti-Israel groups both here and abroad - and even criticized the U.S. and Israel for not working with the “democratically elected” Hamas.  

Two leaked OSF documents from 2016 exposed that George Soros has aimed to help build a relationship between the U.S. and Iran at the expense of Israel. The OSF works closely with the leftist J Street, which Soros has been a donor to since 2008 (and is one of J Street’s largest individual donors). J Street has attempted to deny being funded by Soros, with founder Jeremy Ben-Ami joking in 2020 that the group got tagged as having Soros support “without the benefit of actually getting funded!” When it was confirmed through tax records that the “joke” was actually a statement of fact, J Street did a 180 and claimed they have “always said that [they] would be very pleased to have funding from Mr. Soros.” 

Leaked OSF documents helped reveal a web of grants to Palestinian and Israeli human rights groups (all of which are pro-Palestinian) that are part of a larger effort to influence Congress. Following Barack Obama taking office in 2009, the OSF saw an opportunity to weaken the Israel lobby’s influence in Washington, and began a project aimed to persuade European and U.S. leaders to “hold Israel accountable” for supposed violations of international law.

As Bloomberg’s Eli Lake summarized:

It started with so much hope after Obama won the 2008 election. “The right-wing so called ‘pro-Israel’ lobby has lost some credibility by being closely associated with Bush Administration Middle East policies,” a 2013 summary of the foundation’s “Palestine/Israel International Advocacy Portfolio” said. “As the Obama Administration distances itself from these somehow discredited policies, space for reasonable, unbiased discussions in the policy deliberations, including criticism of Israeli policies, is opening.” 

One leaked review of the OSF’s Arab Regional Office’s work dated September 1, 2015, cited various regional achievements, including increased advocacy by Palestinians in Israel, challenging Israel’s “racist” policies, and casting doubt on Israel’s reputation as a democracy. “There have been a number of successes in challenging Israel’s racist and anti-democratic policies in the international arena and influencing EU-Israel bilateral negotiations,” the review states. We also learn of groups in the region Soros is funding, including the New Israel Fund ($837.5k from 2002 to 2015) and Adalah ($2.7 million). 


Matt Palumbo is the author of Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers: How the Left Hijacked and Weaponized the Fact-Checking Industry and The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros
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