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Now Democrats Want to Take in Refugees From Gaza

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 04/30/2024
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Representative Jamaal Bowman, who once pretended to not know how a fire alarm works, advocated for taking in refugees from Gaza, in addition to amnesty for tens of millions of illegals, in an interview with Yonkers Voice. 


According to The Post Millennial

When asked by the reporter in the interview if he supports allowing refugees in Gaza to come to the United States, he stated that he "fully supports" the measure as well as "amnesty for the migrants who have been here for quite some time." 

"We are a land of immigrants, and we are a land of asylum seekers," he began in his answer. "Anyone escaping persecution and oppression and violence, the United States has always been the open home to those people, whether they come from Palestine, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico, Haiti." 

"They're coming here to contribute to our economy, which 99.9 percent of them are. We've always been a place to open our doors to immigrants coming here. So fully support that. And also, fully support amnesty for the migrants who have been here for quite some time," he added.  

And what kind of people would we be taking in from Gaza if we take his advice? 

According to polling from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies

Seventy-one percent of all Palestinians supported Hamasā€™s decision to attack Israel on October 7 [as of March 2024] ā€” up 14 points among Gazans. Fifty-nine percent of all Palestinians thought Hamas should rule Gaza, and 70 percent were satisfied with the role Hamas has played during the war.

Before October 7, Fatah would have defeated Hamas in a head-to-head vote of all Palestinians 26 to 22 percent. If elections were held today, Fatah would lose to Hamas 17 to 34 percent. 

Only 5 percent of Palestinians think Hamasā€™s massacre on October 7 constitutes a war crime. 

Last week, Bowman was duped by a parody Twitter/X account that claimed to belong to Rabbi Linda Goldstein, the supposed ā€œChief Rabbi of Gaza.ā€ Despite the fact that Jews have never been allowed in Gaza under Hamas rule, and the only Jews in Gaza currently are hostages, that didnā€™t set off any alarm bells for him.  

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