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"They're Not Considering White Males for the Job" - James O'Keefe Exposes Disney

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 06/21/2024
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The latest undercover video from James O’Keefe’s O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) allegedly reveals a senior vice president at the Walt Disney Company disclosing that the company discriminates against white men. 


The aforementioned senior VP, who serves as a team lead, shared that people in the human resources department informed him of this anti-white male bias

“I have friends in HR and other divisions who have told me privately that white males are not being considered for certain positions… As a white male, Disney is not looking to promote me at this time,” he confessed.

Giordano also recalled that a black biracial individual was denied a promotion because he did not “visibly appear” African American. “We had a candidate who was half black but didn't look it, and a creative executive said that wasn’t what they wanted. They sought someone who could present a specific image in meetings.”

He added that Disney uses coded language, such as “euphemisms and buzzwords” to describe who they’re looking to hire to shield themselves from legal consequences. 

These allegations against Disney come amid a broader trend of companies being accused of discriminating against white applicants. In the year after George Floyd’s death, only 6% of new jobs of companies in the S&P 100 went to white people, roughly a tenth of their share of the U.S. population. Similarly, zero net jobs have been created for native-born Americans since July 2018, and exceedingly large share of which are illegal aliens. This trend began begin during the first year of the Biden administration. 

The full video can be found here.

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