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Jan 6 Committee Under Fire for Not Checking Basic Facts

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 07/05/2022
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The January 6 Committee is taking more heat for not fact checking some of the basic statements from "star witness" Cassidy Hutchinson that garnered the most media attention.

Politico's Betsy Woodruff explained that the Committee didn't even take the "very basic step" of checking the story about Trump lunging for the wheel of the Presidential Limo on January 6:
We do know the select committee has full access to the Secret Service, the agency made that clear a month or two ago when I spoke to them for a story about Bobby Engel. We also know that Tony Ornato and Bobby Engel both testified to the select committee earlier this year. My understanding - I'm not aware of them testifying to the effect of there having been this sort of violence, or a lunging in The Beast in that ride back to the White House. I can also tell you in the 10 days before Cassidy Hutchinson's hearing, as the select committee scrambled to pull the hearing together, investigations on the committee did not follow up with the Secret Service to circle back and ask Engel or Ornato if they wanted to amplify or expand on their prior testimony. And the select committee is taking some heat for that, because, as journalists it would have been a very basic step. If someone tells you a story, before presenting it publicly, you check with everybody who might know and follow up and figure out if it can be corroborated or can't be. 

Watch below: 

There were many immediate flaws with the story Hutchinson told. Dan Bongino pointed out on his podcast last week that upon departing his rally on January 6, Trump didn't get into the Presidential Limo, he got in an SUV, meaning the story can't possibly be true. Dan also pointed out that Hutchinson recalled secret service agent Ornato as telling her that the "president got in The Beast," but that no Secret Service agents call the Presidential Limo that. Ornato has also since contradicted Hutchinson's account. 

Matt Palumbo is the author of The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros
Photos by Getty Images

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