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Jean-Pierre Tries to Walk Back Biden’s Comments About U.S. Allies Being Xenophobic

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 05/03/2024
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During a fundraising event earlier this week, Joe Biden raised eyebrows when he referred to America’s allies India and Japan, as well as China and Russia, as “xenophobic.” By referring to nations as “xenophobic” he means their leadership and governments in this context, and he said they're xenophobic due to their reluctance to accept migrants, which Biden claimed was hurting their economic growth.

India has a higher GDP growth rate than the U.S. both currently and historically, making Biden's argument even more puzzling. In the 15 years prior to COVID India average GDP growth of 8%, compared to 2% for the U.S. This is to be expected of course, because poorer countries can more easily grow faster in terms of a percent increase, just as an infant will grow taller each year compared to adults adult, even though adults are still taller.

"One of the reasons why our economy's growing is because of you and many others. Why? Because we welcome immigrants," Biden said.

Naturally, our allies in India and Japan weren’t thrilled by the remarks, and even Karine Jean-Pierre appeared to try to walk them back. 

“So, the President last night described Japan as xenophobic along with China and Russia. Was that intentional? Does the President want to apologize to Japan?” a reporter asked. 

KJP replied, unconfidently; “So, look, I think the broader…the broader… the broader case that he was trying to make, which I think most - most leaders and allies across the globe understand, is he’s - he was trying - he was saying that when it comes to, when it comes to, when it comes to who we are as a nation, we are a nation of, of immigrants. That is in our DNA.”

After beginning that trainwreck of a response, she continued “And, and so, and you’ve heard the President say this, and you’ve heard us say it more as an administration. It’s in - it makes us better. We are stronger for it because of the fact that in our DNA we are a nation of immigrants. And I think that’s probably very important to note as well. And that’s what he was the broader sense he was trying to make."

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