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Jen Psaki Confronted With Reality About Kamala Harris by Ex-CNN Anchor Don Lemon

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 08/27/2024
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Jen Psaki was forced to confront reality when ex-CNN hack Don Lemon appeared on her MSNBC show to reveal his results from polling Americans on the 2024 election (some of the results of which you can watch below).


Kamala Harris has released no real policy proposals besides price controls on groceries, a move widely opposed by economists as price controls always resort in shortages. This would hardly mark the first time communist policies lead to starvation.

Harris is banking that the media alone can prop up her campaign, hoping voters will vote based on “vibes” rather than actual policy issues.

She did get a jump in her favorability rating after taking over as the Democrat nominee amid a wave of gushing media coverage - but it’s not panning out exactly as the liberal media hopes. 

Psaki asked Lemon “What did they think about Harris? Did they have anything to say about her?” 

Lemon replied that  “It depends on where you are. We went to a number of battleground states, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, on our way to Illinois on our way to Chicago. It depended on where you were. Pennsylvania, I shouldn’t say Pennsylvania, but Philadelphia was a bit more liberal in the answers to questions about her and Trump were quite different. For the most part in Pittsburgh or at the Jersey Shore and Atlantic City, in Ohio especially, many people didn’t know who she was. They were not familiar with her. So I think she has to reintroduce herself to the public.”

The same couldn’t be said for The Donald. 

“For him, I think they thought he’s better for the economy. That he brought money into the community or that he was on black people’s side. And so listen, I wasn’t surprised by that, I’ve been doing this long enough to know you never know where people are going to fall, how they’re going to vote, that’s their own personal prerogative,” Lemon said. 

Lemon, of course, had to pretend that this is because Trump supporters are “misinformed” - which we know can’t possibly be true because they don’t watch CNN and MSNBC: “But I think it’s important for them to understand and go into the voting booth with some knowledge, that they’re informed as an electorate. And for all the reasons they’re telling me, the information was all false, and they didn’t understand the correct reasons they might vote for him.”

Watch below:


Harris also got no bump in the polls from the DNC despite a bump being normal for candidates after their respective party conventions. 

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Photos by Getty Images

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