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Jen Psaki Fantasizes About Trump Dying 

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 05/07/2024
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Jen Psaki fantasized about Donald Trump dying so he could no longer run for office during an interview on MSNBC Tuesday. "Maybe Donald Trump will go away. Maybe he'll go to jail. Maybe he will die. Not to be too morbid. But maybe. He's not a young man," said the former Joe Biden press secretary. 

Assuming Psaki was referring to a natural death by old age, the statement is incredibly ironic, given that the more senior Democrat President Joe Biden’s physical stamina and mental acuity is observably in rapid decline. During a campaign rally just two weeks ago, Biden embarrassingly read the word “pause” on his teleprompter. The gaffe has been dubbed Biden’s “Anchorman moment.” The slip up may be funny if such blunders weren’t a weekly occurrence for the president. 

Perhaps, however, Psaki’s comments had a more sinister intended meaning. It’s possible she was hoping for, or even calling for, an assassination on Trump. According to prominent conservative thought leaders like Tucker Carlson and Dan Bongino, a potential assassination attempt on Trump is a real possibility. “The Democrats are so terrified of another Trump Administration,” Bongio said in August of 2023. “All emergency breaks are off. Anything is on the table. They want this guy dead. They cannot have this guy in the White House.”

During a December 2023 interview with Bongino, Carlson expressed a similar sentiment. “They started with protests. They moved to impeachment. Now they're at indictment. None of it has worked,” explained Carlson. “What's next? What could possibly be next? If you… really believed that… the worst thing that could happen to the country, and more specifically to you in the professional class, is to have Donald Trump as president and everything you have tried has failed… how many more arrows do you have in your quiver? And what’s the next one? And of course, it's assassination.”


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