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Joe Biden Plans to Cancel Keystone XL Pipeline Permit on Day One

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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A briefing note for the Biden transition team that indicated Biden would “Rescind Keystone XL pipeline permit” on his first day in office has circulated in the media. Rather bizarrely, Democrats are thrilled.

The Keystone Pipeline would allow Canadian crude oil to be sent to American refineries, which would improve our fuel security. The 20 billion dollar project is projected to bring in more than 5 billion in tax revenue and multiple unions are on track to get some of the 42,000 jobs that are estimated to be produced by the venture. Canada is even vaguely threatening legal action if we pull out of the deal.

On the other hand, the liberal complaints about the project mostly boil down to completely irrational environmental nonsense about oil being dirty and some animals being displaced because we have to build something. It seems doubtful that any other country on earth would abandon a project with such enormous economic advantages mainly to appeal to a small number of environmentalist wackos, but there are few people on earth more foolish than American liberals in 2021.

That being said, Biden would be fulfilling a promise. He is dedicated to driving up energy costs and getting rid of American jobs to pursue an utterly unrealistic energy policy that has no hope of ever working with our current technology. Maybe someday, wind, solar and good thoughts from dirty hippies sitting on unicorns will power our economy, but currently, it runs on oil, gas, natural gas, and nuclear power. Failing to acknowledge that obvious reality is a long-term recipe for bringing California’s blackouts and power shortages to the whole country.

John Hawkins is the author of 101 Things All Young Adults Should Know. 

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