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John Kennedy Catches Biden Judicial Nominee in a Lie - And He Has Photographic Proof

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 06/21/2024
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Senator John Kennedy caught yet another radical Joe Biden judicial nominee in a lie. 

During questioning, the nominee, Karla Campbell, was asked by Senator Chuck Grassley about her involvement with a radical group called Workers’ Dignity.  

“Mrs. Campbell. According to the [unclear] I have a profile. It appears you served as legal counsel to a group called Workers’ Dignity. This group has taken a number of leftist radical positions. For example, WD has advocated for abolition of ‘oppressive systems like police and the military.’ Do you support this position?” 

She then claimed to have never represented WD. Grassley then apologized for citing research that wasn’t as accurate as he thought.

But when it was Sen. Kennedy’s turn to speak, he showed that Grassley had nothing to apologize for.

“Mrs. Campbell, you lied to Senator Grassley. Didn’t you” Sen. Kennedy opened, before pulling out photographic evidence of her involvement with Workers’ Dignity from their own website. 

“Here you are right here” Kennedy says, pointing to her in the photograph. “It says your name.”

And in response, Campbell had none. 

Watch below: 

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