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John Kerry Does His Best Al Gore – Says Earth Has Only Nine Years to Avoid Climate Catastrophe

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  • Source: Dan Bongino
  • 06/11/2022
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Biden Administration climate czar John Kerry had a dire warning for the human population: make drastic changes now or face a climate catastrophe in nine years.

From the Blaze:

“The scientists told us three years ago we had 12 years to avert the worst consequences of climate crisis. We are now three years gone, so we have nine years left,” Kerry told CBS “This Morning” in an exclusive interview aired on Friday.

Despite President Biden rejoining the Paris climate agreement and rolling out an ambitious climate change agenda, Kerry warned that even that wouldn’t be enough to save the planet from the coming disaster:

“Even if we did everything that we said we were going to do when we signed up in Paris we would see a rise in the Earth’s temperature to somewhere around 3.7 degrees or more, which is catastrophic,” he explained, imploring that new, more ambitious pledges needed to be made.

“There is no room for B.S. anymore. There’s no faking it on this one,” he said.

Kerry said that the historic winter freezes facing Texas and much of the American south can be “directly related” to the global warming that is going on, warning that a lack of action by humans would cause such weather events to become the “new normal” across the globe.

Kerry, who ran a failed campaign for president in 2004, is not the first Democratic politician to make such dire warnings of climate impending climate disaster. Former Vice President Al Gore, who himself ran a failed campaign for president in 2000, made a name for himself after leaving office with similarly catastrophic predictions:

Kerry’s doom and gloom forecast may bring to mind a similarly gloomy prediction made by another Democratic figure about the climate crisis. Back in 2006 while promoting his documentary, “A Inconvenient Truth,” former Vice President Al Gore declared that unless “drastic measures” were taken to reduce greenhouse gasses, in just 10 years the world would reach a “point of no return.”

Of course, Gore’s prediction became a point of mockery when, after 10 years had passed, everyone was still here and the world seemed to be getting on largely as usual. What becomes of Kerry’s prediction remains to be seen.

Nevertheless, Kerry’s warning to the human population wasn’t enough for him to change his own behavior. Biden’s climate czar faced withering criticism for his decision to take a private jet to receive a climate change award in Iceland earlier this month, a move he defended as the “only option” for a person like him.

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