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Journo Says All Trump Supporters Are Racist – Turns Out Her Mom Voted for Him

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Never afraid to have the most absurd opinion on any issue, the former ESPN commenter turned Atlantic writer Jemele Hill took to twitter to inform her audience that Trump supporters want low taxes, rule of law, a strong national defense, and a robust economy because they’re all racist.

“If you vote for Donald Trump, you are a racist. You have no wiggle room,” Hill wrote.

The post quickly went viral due to leftists who also see the world in black and white terms, but also attracted no shortage of criticism, especially from minority Trump supporters.

Ironically, among those minority conservatives that Jemele Hill apparently thinks are racist includes her own mother. Hill revealed in a 2017 tweet that her mother voted for President Trump, and has voted Republican since the Clinton presidency.

I’d love to hear Hill’s explanation for why her mother voted for Trump,  because I’m sure she’d make an exception to her “you’re racist if you don’t agree with me” rule. But not for the rest of us, of course.


Photos by Getty Images

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