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Kamala Harris’ “Flip Flop” on the Border Isn’t What It Seems

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 08/28/2024
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Failed “Border Czar” Kamala Harris is attempting a 180 on her rhetoric on the southern border.

But even the flip-flop isn’t quite as it seems.

While various publications have claimed that Harris has flip-flopped on a border wall, that’s not entirely true. As my friend James Agresti at JustFacts pointed out:

Axios is reporting that Kamala Harris is suddenly pledging to “spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the wall along the southern border.”

That claim is demonstrably false and is based on a misrepresentation of the Senate Border Act of 2024, which has been repeatedly misportrayed as a “tough” border bill.

Axios’ article, written by Alex Thompson and Hans Nichols, claims that Harris promised to build a wall because she announced at the “Democratic National Convention last week” that she “would sign the recent bipartisan border security bill.” And according to a statement obtained by Axios from Republican Senator James Lankford (OK), the bill “requires the Trump border wall.”

Those claims are highly misleading for two reasons.


As Agresti points out; Harris’ support of this bill isn’t even anything new - the media is just trying to portray is that way because the border is Harris’ biggest weakness. The bill she’s  backing is one that Biden wanted passed - which is enough to tell you it doesn’t actually do anything to secure the border. 

Furthermore, per Agresti, the bill only makes funds for a border wall available - but it doesn’t actually require a border wall to be built. The only possible reason for making such funds available but not mandating them to be used for their claimed purpose is because they don’t actually want them to go towards a border wall. 

And let’s not forget Harris’ rhetoric on the border throughout the Trump-era. As is shown in the compilation below, if Harris really did change her stance on the border (and she didn’t), it would simply prove that she doesn’t actually believe anything. 

Give it a watch - and don’t let her forget it:


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